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Sunday, October 18, 2009

on 14 oct, a new member haf arrived.. haha... ping (my sister-in-law) haf given birth to a bb gal at ard 6+ in the early morning... hahaha.. the bb is so cute and so junxian-look alike.. haha... btw tis is her sec one.. haha... the bb weigh abt 4.2 when she's born... hahah... hmmm... quite some weight huh... ah qi's bb gal oso weigh abt the same... hahah

at ard 8+, we went to KK hos. to visit her 顺便 visit the bb... managed to carry the little princess... she may seem small in size.. but can feel tat she gt some weight sia.. haha.. my hands turned numb after carrying her.. hahaha...

few daes later she was discharged... tdy went up to their hse.. and saw the bb.. she is slping sia.. everytime i see her, she slping.. hahha... according to my mil, her char lyk her father sia.. lyk to slp alot.. haha.. tat's gd wat rite.. at least she is beta to be taken after.. she wont keep asking for milk rite.. haha... but she reali cute lor..haha... everytime i see her, i always 忍不住 to touch and sayang her.. haha... when she grows up, sure kana dote by alot ppl sia.. cuz yang family seldom haf princess one.. somemore she is the first grand-daughter... hahaha.. sure will becum 掌上明珠 one.. hahaha...

tink i muz 加油 le... haha







3:33 AM

Saturday, October 03, 2009

不知不觉 i haf been in tis coy 4 1 mth le... nth much everydae... onli to do stamping and own lodgement everydae... haf to do their post completion stuffs, haf to do own completion... the onli ting i hate is haf to go into his room to report to him e status of the files.. but luckily i dun haf to face it alone.. cuz i always went in wif thc.. hahaha.. tat y...

now recently he sae tat BUC is currently slowing down, so lesser cases of BUC, so he haf to gib thc and mi new cases to do... i started to learn redemption cases, as thc sae "redemption veri easy de lar.. nth much to do.. juz haf to make sure u take note of the completion dates..." he sae is easy... of coz lar.. he gt done b4 leh.. wahhah... from the dae i entered wlaw till i dae i left, i onli did BUC-purchase, tat's the onli thing i noe.. and sort of proud of it.. cuz i believe i noe my work.. juz onli maybe i cant put it into words.. wahahaha...

so i was saying tat mi and him were given new work.. i was given a sale case.... and thc was given additional facilties... i was lyk "wat da hell, sale.... i noe nth abt sales leh... kaoz... " i realli sian 1/2 lor den i gave thc a frowned look.. and he laughed.. hahaha.. he himself oso hmmm... after coming out of his room he was lyk "wat the... " he sae to ann " wa lao... i was given add fac leh.. ann, u noe anot.. shit lar.. he(the boss) sae i gt done b4, but i 4gt leh.." hahhaa.. den the both of us laughed out loud... i sighed, he sae no sigh no sigh, at least gt cindy to teach mi... hahaha... wat a wk man.. hahaha...

last thurs i tink, went out wif karen bm and gf to ion orchard.. tat particular dae wanted to watch the fann wong's wedding.. den kpy sae "wat haf it gt to do wif u?" lolx... den went to meet them le... in the first place they wanted to haf the ice-cream buffet... BUT by the time they reached (i reached much earlier than them, of coz), the queue was damn long lor.. so we went to haf japanese meal instead...tat restaurant was damn special, u can cook the food urself... damn interesting... veri fun.. hahaha.. next time can go thr again...

after eating, we went shopping.. went into a cosemetic shop... we were all bz looking for lip gloss, lip stick, etc... hahaha.. bz testing the colors, testing whether izzit shiny enf... wahahaha.... in the end, mi and bm chose lip gloss, gf chose a lipstick and kpy bought a MAC blusher and a MAC blusher power brush, which cost her $96.. wahaha... tat burnt a hole in her pocket.. she juz gt an increment so i tink its ok for her.. wahahha

after tat we went home taking cab.. cuz our mother mui was tired le.. her slping time was up le.. she tired of taking mrt home, so we all shared cab....

tat was a fun dae, but i feels tat our bond was no longer as close as wat we haf b4 i left... izzit i too sensitive or wat? i feels sometimes the topics they tokin i cant join in... cuz i was no longer thr to see.... hmpf...

11:15 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

its haf been a wk since i started working @ chan & goh... hmmm work still ok, cuz BM havent realli assign any work to mi onli to help thc and ann... onli recently he assigned a redemption case to mi, wif thc's assistance... thc kept saying its easy.. he will teach mi when completion is coming up.. =_=!!!

hmmm.. the atmosphere in ofc is damn quiet lor.. everytime i haf to on music to listen,as i nt used to quiet surrounding.. lolx... at wlaw i used to on my radio veri loud.. even ivy sae mi oso no use... lolx... hmmm.... till now i onli feel sian when BM called us into his room to update him on our files.. haiyo... sian leh..

juz now haf a little chat wif ann on msn.. and found out she oso haf tat feeling of being nt used to it when she first came to work @ chan&goh.. she oso sae she missed the times in wlaw... 原来 i am nt alone.. haha... hmmm...

next wk BM is on leave. yeah... haha.. he go to holland... woohoo!! no 'head'.. can relac relac sia.. haha... aiya.. he ard he oso nv care abt mi sia.. he onli make sure our work is done.. completions no prob, no overdue payments.. haha... act thr still ok lor.. work no stress, everydae can surf net, can listen to music, everydae can go home latest by 6:30pm... is onli the environment.. i at chan&goh veri quiet... haha... damn quiet.. so quiet tat thc keep asking mi whether i'm ok anot.. haha... diaoz... bo bian, chan&goh no kaki ma... maybe next few wks i will get used to it.. haha...hmmmm

11:07 PM

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

todae is the 2nd dae of work.. & i alr starting to miss the ppl in WLAW... whenever i having my bf, i missed the times the 4 of us haf bf at the bench every morning...

tdy went to ntuc wif ann to pei her to buy groceries for ofc use, suddenly i missed the times when the 5 of us (mi, kpy, bm, yl and gf) went to ntuc to shop for tibits and drinks.. having a great time sia.. as if those things no need money.. lolx..

the first dae of work i haf been doing stamping whole dae.. & i'm bored to tears.. haha.. somemore thc still asked mi to do slowly.. diaoz... used to the faster pace in wlaw, in here slow pace nt realli used to it.. tdy i haf been doing closed files... haha.. feel lyk slping sia... somemore my seat is at the back, no one can see mi wat i doing.. lolx..

haiz... sometimes i realli wonder the choice i made is the rite one... i was asking kpy, & guess wat she sae to mi?? "U DON EMO LIAO LA,TIS IS A VERY NORMAL RESPONSE WHEN U JUZ LEFT UR OLD CO...YRS SOMEMORE.... SOMEMORE FOR 4 YRS.... ITS NORMAL LA...BUT FOR A WHILE ONLI......SO U JUZ HAF TO ADJUST URSELF LOR..... AFT FEW MORE WKS, U'LL GET USED TO IT DE"& "IF U DON WISH TO C SH AGAIN...DEN U BETA GUAI GUAI ADJUST URSELF TO CHAN & GOH "... hahaha.. diaoz.. kana scolded by her sia... k lar.. i dun emo le... i go close my files liao.. lolx...

3:19 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009

2dae marks the end of my life of 4 yrs & 13 daes in WLAW.... i was so emo tis 2 daes.. esp todae...

i was alrite thw whole morning but when uncle abdullah and & aunty bought something for mi, i was so touched... even ayu gave mi a photo frame... i was abit emo b4 i went out for completion... but my emo worsen after i came bak from completion.. esp when i saw the things tat they (yl, gf, bm, psh and kpy) bought for mi.. a bag full of hello kitty things for mi... a hello kitty calculator, a mouse and a kitty cup.. i broke out in tears immediately... i didnt expect they wld buy things for mi.... and bm still rem wat i told her lor... i told her i wanted to buy the calculator but was too exp... in the end they bought for mi to bring to the new ofc.. haha... so sweet...

when i went bak to my desk, i saw a paper bag.. i saw inside was a box of chocolates.. given to mi by ms hoo.. i was lyk....... haiz... i was abit shocked. i muz sae...

after tat ivy came over to give mi my chq... ensuring my files are nicely distributed.. yl came over and helped mi.. alot of files needed to be monitored... it took us alot of time to sort out those files... gf, bm and kpy waited long time for mi cuz after work we planned to go for ktv session... meanwhile while we were packing, asi, lwl and ckw (jasmine) went bak home.. and nt forgetting ah hui... b4 gg bak they gave a hub and a pat on the back... the feeling of cant bear to leave was bak again... i felt lyk crying everytime i hugged gdbye to they all... haiz... tears were rolling in my eyes... even though lwl kept suaning mi, she still gave mi a pat on my shoulder.. =)

b4 i went off, went over to sae the last gdbye to ms hoo, joyce and laura... ms hoo sae something to mi.. she sae i haf to grow up.. i haf always been the xiao mei mei in wlaw... the xiao mei mei haf to grow up.. she hope i can grow in the new environment.. wif the help of my 'godbrother' over thr.. but i told her here i gt more godmothers.. wahaha.. & she laughed... (tears were rolling once again)...

after clearing my files, we went to ktv session at katong... they threatened yl to go...haha... bo bian 2dae my last dae liao.. during te ktv session, although yl didnt sing, i still felt happy tat she was thr... after tat, she haf to go bak le.. b4 she left, she oso give mi a hug.. and i cried once again (since when did i becum a cry baby sia.. lolx)... she sae she hoped to see mi again.. asked mi to gib her a call when i needed help... she will always be the one i'm grateful to... she is always the one i needed help and she is thr... i noe i owe her too much.. but i dunno how to repay her lor... she is always the one tolerating my nonsense, even when i flare up to her (even though the target wasnt her), she is always listen to my complaints... helped mi solve my probs....

haiz... how.. i cant stop crying now.. i wish i wasnt so crybaby... but.. haiz... hope my tis choice i made was rite... bm oso sae to mi, if i tink i haf made the rite choice, they will always support my decision... upon hearing tat i cried again. in the cab on the way bak home... at least i noe wat ever decision i made, i still haf a bunch of gd frds supporting mi.. tinkng back how nice is it to haf such gd frds cum colleagues rite.. haha...

Photobucket a box of chocolate given to mi by ms hoo...

present frm boss a second shoot

mi and my godma yl and mi.. at the ktv room

godma and mi yl and mi again

another shot

mi and karen mi and karen

mi and gen mi and ah gen

mi and my 2 godmas mi and my 2 godmas.. wahahah

mi and my 2 godmas my 2 godmas...

Photobucket the hello kitty stuffs given by gf, bm, psh, kpy and yl

Photobucket awww..... so sweet

Photobucket the bear piggy bank by uncle abdullah, the bear by lwl, the bar of chocolate by auntie and the frame by ayu.. thx man


aww... i will miss them alot alot sia...

12:21 AM